When traveling off-road, there could be unexpected situations that could arise wherein you could get stuck in mud, snow or even on steep hills. When this happens, it is quite a bit difficult to get out of the harsh conditions. However, this could be made easier though preparation and the right tools. One of the most commonly used and one of the most important tools that is highly recommended for you to have is a winch.
Having a winch installed on your vehicle is just convenient and is highly helpful. It could help you get unstuck especially when you do not have anyone to help you. This is the reason why demand for winches became and is continuously becoming high. This reason has led for companies to produce numerous brands and products in the market which makes it difficult and confusing to choose. Do not worry as we shall suggest and recommend that you check our Harbour Freight Bandland winches. This company and manufacturer in fact goes against the market competition with their products being the most reliable and the most cost-efficient.
Is Badland Reliable?
As mentioned above, Badland is considered by many as a reliable brand. It is actually a brand which the company, Harbour Freight Tools created for their winch products. They exude durability, reasonable price and easy to maintain products. Their products are made in Calabasas California but they are manufactured in China.
Benefits for Using Badland Winches
Variety of Winches
There are different types of winches that Badland offers. They have range of light-duty winches to heavy duty winches. In fact, they have specific products that would suit everyone’s needs in terms of types and budget-wise.
Ease of Setup
Their winch products are easy to install. In fact, you would not need any professional help to set it up for you. In fact, you could do it yourself. Badland winches are straightforward, simple and not complicated at all.
Ease of Maintenance and Warranty
Badland offers warranty. In terms of maintenance, they offer two years. Hence, if you have performance issues of malfunctions, they could replace it.
Safety first
One of the most important factor that you will have to always keep in mind. Here are some tips that we suggest for you to be able to practice safety whenever you are handling winches.
- Do not wear loose clothing – this will reduce the risk of your clothing getting caught in your winch machine.
- Confirm the area is clear – ensure that your area is clean and clear especially whenever you are dealing with electrical devices.
- Wear gloves – this reduces the risk of unnecessary injuries on your hands.
How to Install Badland Winch
Mounting Your Badland Winch
- Check the mounting plate. This must be rated to have the ability to support the winch capacity that you will install.
- Align the winch perpendicular to the centerline of the vehicle.
- Mark the location of the winch base holes
- Before you drill, ensure that there are no wires or structural pieces in the way.
- Drill holes at the marked locations
- Install the winch with bolts and tighten them up.
Electrical Wiring Connection
- Connect positive wire to the positive post of your winch
- Connect the negative wire to the ground post on the winch
- Move both wires from the front into engine section
- Keep all the wires away from any significant heat source
- Connect the positive wire from the winch to the positive post on the battery
- Connect negative wire from the winch to the negative ground post of the battery.
This concludes our article and we hope that through this article, we were able to guide you in installing a Badland winch.